Sunday, March 25, 2012

St Patrick's Day 2012

It just didn’t seem like St Patrick’s Day in Chicago. 
Instead of the bitter cold that is usually associated with a day in the middle of March, it was summer-like. I think we set a record that day in addition to the other 8 days where the temperature been over 80 degrees. This is crazy but hey, I’ll take it.

With historical warm weather, people showed up in record numbers just to see the grand trandition of the Chicago River being dyed a very IRISH psychedelic green.

The route was filled with tweny somethings and families who were jockeying for a position just to be in the front row. We were just content to get anywhere close to even seeing this.

Everyone was there for the party including Minneapolis based Sister-in-law Liz who is 100% Italian but quickly got into the spirit and kicked off the day of traditional and elevated partying.

The guest of honor was Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny, who took part in the parade of floats, bands and Irish dancers along Columbus near the lakefront. Kenny was with Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who celebrated his first St Patrick’s Day as the Mayor of Chicago.

This was a day to celebrate and I was happy that I had a day off from my kitchen… although lunch at Chicago’s German institution Bergoff’s was a amusing way to declare your Irish roots.

Bon Appetit!