How many times did your mother tell you to eat a good breakfast? All I can say is listen to your mother!
Eating breakfast will jump start your day and make you less likely to over eat when you get to the point of famished because you skipped the most important meal of the day. Give your body and brain the energy they need to function by eating a good breakfast.
One of the resolutions I made for 2011 is to learn to love oatmeal. I made my first attempt this past week and started out by piling on a fair amount of fruit and nuts. I do like Cheerios so there is hope for me.
Don’t forget eggs. It’s not true that eggs are bad for you. Paired with a small slice of Prosciutto and a low fat biscuit, this breakfast packs a lot of flavor and makes a nice Sunday brunch option. I like the fact that in an ounce of prosciutto there is only 71 calories.
And to my favorite all time breakfast, yogurt and berries, I threw in a healthy punch of organic walnuts and was surprised at how much I loved the addition of the crunch.
I’ve always been a big fan of breakfast… so much so I sometimes crave it for dinner.
And the good thing is you don’t need any recipes for the 3 easy breakfast dishes above.
Bon Appetit!