Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Study In Mole...

So, here is the first lesson in my quest to perfect what is lacking in my culinary know-how. MOLE.

I imagine that I must be cooking it with classic Mexican music blaring in the background. It is one of the most difficult sauces to make. I love the taste and much like making roux, you have to bring all the ingredients to the edge of burned without burning them.

I am told that you learn the art of Mole when you have made it a few dozen times. It took me at least that many to feel comfortable with roux.

I will be attempting to make a mole recipe that my friend Gabriela got from the many generations of Mexican cooks in her family. And by the way, the recipe has never been changed. When I looked at the recipe, I realized that it also requires prayer and a lot of blind faith that all the diverse ingredients will work together.

Bon Appetit!