I saw her one morning when I was on my way to the Farmers Market in Evanston. It reminded me immediately to slow down because this was my life 12 months ago.
Sometimes, things get a little crazy and you feel like you are doing a balancing act and at any moment you might fall off the edge. Lucky for me I never did. A good run or a hundred mile bike can always pull me out of it…or a vacation in the Caribbean and a few Margaritas.
It was at this point that I got a life coach who helped me sort through the all the layers of my passions and impatience. It's sometimes hard to see the big picture and easy to become overwhelmed or feel like you're lacking direction. A life coach doesn't bother trying to figure out what motivates a person but instead tries to help a person figure out how to get away from what they're currently doing and move towards what they want to do.
How many people have been in a career and suddenly woke up one morning only to realize that all they ever wanted to be was a chef? So what will your life coach tell you? Never too late, please start drafting your five year plan and let’s set and review your goals now.
Made me realize that it is never too late to do anything!
Bon Appetit and Dream Big!